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Citizenship and Naturalization

Citizenship and Naturalization

No American Dream would be complete without the ultimate achievement of obtaining US citizenship  and a US passport. This process is called “naturalization.” In the United States, those who are lawful  permanent residents can apply for naturalization to become a U.S. citizen if they have fulfilled the  required length of residency, and some children automatically acquire citizenship through their parents  or grandparents if certain rules are met. 

Our firm has filed N-400s to help naturalize tens of dozens of lawful permanent residents, successfully  filed N-600s helped obtain certificates of citizenship, and successfully helped to determine if someone is  already a US citizen through their parents through the Child Citizenship Act of 2000. If you are  concerned about whether you meet the eligibility requirements for naturalization, especially if you have  a lengthy travel history or criminal convictions, give us a call today to set your consultation to see if you  qualify to become a citizen. 

What to Expect

Tell us your story, and let us handle the law. Here's what you can expect when you work with us:

1. Let's Talk

We’ll set up a 30-minute in-person or virtual meeting with you via Zoom, video conference, Skype or phone to get to know your unique situation, understand your needs, and begin to map out a legal strategy.

2. Let's Get You Setup

The second step of our process lasts 3-5 days, during which we handle all necessary administrative details to set up your case. You will put down your initial deposit, sign a fee agreement, complete a questionnaire and meet with us to dive deeper.

3. Let's Win

For the next 3-4 weeks, we wi11 work together, side-by-side, to prepare your case and set you up for success. After we have prepared your case, we will share it with you for review. Then we flle your case and monitor it.

Family Visa Lawyer. Family Immigration Visa Lawyer

Schedule a Consultation!

If you are unable to visit our New Jersey location, our office can work on your case virtually.

Call : (732)-379-4866

Mon – Fri 09:30-5:00

Book Your Consultation

Immigration law is complex.  
We know the law and will fight for your right to stay in the United States.

Resources on Citizenship and Naturalization

Understanding the Naturalization Test - Blog cover

Understanding the Naturalization Test: Study Tips and Common Questions

Becoming a U.S. citizen is an important milestone in your...
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Can I Apply for Citizenship With An Expired Green Card?

Can I Apply for Citizenship with an Expired Green Card?

The Expired Green Card Dilemma Imagine this: You’ve been a...
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